Cannabis 101

Cannabis Tourism in Thailand: A New Frontier

Cannabis tourism refers to the travel/tourism related to cannabis or incorporating cannabis use. It is usually used to describe how people travel to different parts of the world to experience some rare cannabis chemovars and strains in their place of origin. 

Note that cannabis plants exhibit little differences in their terpene and cannabinoid profile based on location and growth conditions surrounding them. The little differences serve as criteria for identifying chemovars and strains. When writing this article, about 6250 have been identified with so many potentials.
Cannabis tourism is fast becoming a global trend as more countries legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use. As Thailand continues to set precedence as the first country to legalize hemp in Southeast Asia, Thailand has some fascinating cannabis stories and history the world will need to experience. 

Thailand is home to some of the purest sativa landraces in the world, including Thai stick, chocolate Thai, and wild Thai. The country has opened its shores to cannabis tourism as a trip to Phuket will show several cannabis dispensaries scattered throughout the town. Bangkok is also not left out, as several tourists are seen trying different cannabis-based activities. 

Interested in knowing what to expect from cannabis tourism in Thailand? Well, this article was written with you in mind. This article will discuss cannabis tourism, the current state of cannabis legalization in Thailand, and important things cannabis tourists should expect when they visit Thailand. 

Cannabis Tourism in Thailand: An Overview

The recent legalization of medical and recreational cannabis in Thailand and its fascinating cultural heritage make it a suitable destination for travelers who love to explore cannabis-related activities. If you are interested in the cannabis industry in Thailand, here are some of the most common activities you can try while visiting. 

What you can do as a cannabis tourist in Thailand

  • Attending cannabis cooking classes
  • Relaxing in cannabis spas
  • Visiting dispensaries to buy cannabis products, 
  • Exploring unique cannabis-themed art galleries. 
  • Testing Thai landraces 

As fun as this may look, there are quite a few dos and don’ts that tourists in Thailand should observe. These laws were covered in our previous article.
As Thailand’s cannabis industry continues to grow and attract more visitors, it is pertinent to note that the industry is relatively new, and some flaws may be inevitable. Some of these challenges can be addressed by studying the cannabis industry in California, Colorado, and the Netherlands. 

The Impact of Cannabis Legalization on Thai Tourism

Information from an article on Forbes shows that cannabis tourism has grown to $17 billion (US$), which is expected to increase as more countries legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use. 

Thailand could draw this new wave of enthusiastic tourists about cannabis-related activities, thus increasing job creation in the hospitality and tourism sectors and tourism revenue. 

Other countries that have legalized cannabis already see the benefits of cannabis tourism. In the U.S., the cannabis industry in Colorado generated over $1 billion in revenue in 2019. Cannabis tourism in Canada has improved job creation and economic growth in cities such as Vancouver and Toronto. 
Cannabis legalization could also help Thailand to attract more international tourists. It could also help Thailand compete with other popular destinations, such as Phuket and Bali.

Cannabis-Friendly Accommodations in Thailand

Cannabis-friendly accommodations in Thailand can be in many forms, such as hotels, hostels, resorts, and guesthouses. Some accommodations are mainly designed for cannabis tourists, while others are traditional accommodations that can meet the needs of cannabis tourists.

Some cannabis-friendly accommodations offer cannabis-infused drinks and food, cannabis cooking classes, and even cannabis spa treatments. Also, they may provide guests with cannabis products or allow them to bring their cannabis products for personal use.

Some examples of cannabis-friendly accommodations in Thailand include the Green House, a hostel in Bangkok that provides tourists with a safe and convenient environment to consume cannabis. Another is the CannaCamp, a cannabis-themed resort located in the mountains of Chiang Mai. They offer guests a range of cannabis-related activities, such as guided cannabis farm tours and cannabis spa treatment. 

Cannabis Events and Festivals in Thailand

Cannabis events and festivals in Thailand may range from cannabis cups to educational workshops, seminars, and large-scale music festivals. These events allow tourists to learn more about cannabis and its numerous uses, experience the local culture, and connect with other cannabis lovers. 
While the cannabis cup just ended a few weeks ago, other upcoming events are listed below; 

  1. The “420 Fest” is a music festival held every April 20th in Bangkok. The event features food and drinks vendors, live music, and cannabis-related activities, including rolling competitions and cannabis product giveaways. 
  2. The “High Fest.” is a cannabis-themed event in Chiang Mai that features live music, a cannabis expo, and workshops on cannabis cultivation, cooking, and extraction. The festival features cannabis-themed art and merchandise for sale.

Best Places to Experience Cannabis Culture in Thailand

One of the best places to experience cannabis culture in Thailand is Chiang Mai. It is a northern city popular for its beautiful temples, vibrant nightlife, and incredible natural scenery. Also, it is home to many cannabis-themed restaurants where guests can enjoy a variety of cannabis-infused foods and drinks.
Another place for cannabis enthusiasts is the island of Koh Phangan. This island is famous for its full moon parties, which draw thousands of guests monthly. 
Other famous cannabis culture destinations in Thailand include Phuket, Bangkok, and Pai. These destinations offer a unique experience for cannabis tourists, from guided cannabis tours to cooking classes. 

Legal Considerations for Cannabis Tourists in Thailand

Thailand is a great country with a complex and evolving legal landscape for cannabis. Cannabis tourists in Thailand should know that possession, sale, and trafficking of cannabis can lead to lengthy prison sentences, heavy fines, or even the death penalty. It is important to note that cannabis laws may vary significantly from province to province, and penalties may vary depending on the circumstances surrounding the offense. 

In addition, it is important to know that cannabis laws in other countries can be more severe. For example, certain countries impose mandatory minimum prison sentences or even life imprisonment for possessing or trafficking cannabis. Different countries may have extradition treaties with Thailand, which implies that a cannabis tourist who commits a cannabis-related offense in Thailand may be extradited to face charges in their home country. 


Thailand has great potential to become a leading destination for cannabis tourism, offering an excellent cultural experience for cannabis enthusiasts from around the globe. But it is pertinent to approach cannabis tourism responsibly, noting the legal considerations and potential risks associated with cannabis use and travel. Only then can cannabis tourists enjoy a safe and memorable experience while supporting the local cannabis industry. 

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